Friday, March 12, 2010

"Time Risk" Iridology

Posted on Friday, March 12, 2010 by Dr. Goh Kee Soon

When using iridology, we never think of the name of the disease, but it is a matter of understanding what is going on within your body - what is wrong, what is not right, mineral deficiency, chemical deposits, stress, and so on.
To be healthy today is a matter of how early and how much you understand your body, how to prevent from getting sick, and not just wait to be sick.
There are many health answers iridology can reveal. With "Time Risk" iridology, the condition of potential danger to health, subsequent to the occurrence of measurable disturbances and /or transitions in the economy of the biological functions.
In other words, we can signify a certain period in the life of an individual, when it is possible that a physical or psychological event will cause an alteration to the biological function, so as to stimulate a predisposing pathology.

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NST Article on March 13, 2010