Friday, March 12, 2010

Father of Modern Iridology

Posted on Friday, March 12, 2010 by Dr. Goh Kee Soon

Most of the natural medicine was stymied in the United States by a changing political and economic climate during World War II.
For 50 years, Dr. Bernard Jensen held the light for iridology in America very much on his own. Researched and studies were validated with laboratory tests, x-rays and autopsy assessment analysis.
Dr.Jensen was then known as the "Father" of Modern Iridology.
With the establishment of International Iridology Practitioner's Association (IIPA) in 1982, a group of professional certified iridologists further researched this unique medical science to improve the iridology chart.
The latest chart is more accurate, revealing details of inherited strengths, weaknesses and degeneration.

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NST Article on March 13, 2010