Friday, March 12, 2010

What Is Iridology?

Iridology is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents believe that patterns, colours, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health.
Originated in Europe, it was discovered in 1861 by Hungarian physician Dr. Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1911) who is now called the "Father" of Iridology.”
Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health.
Its overall appearance, the specific fiber arrangement and the pigment details when properly analysed, can reveal an incredible amount of information about a person in a non-invasive manner.
Details in the iris reflect changes in the tissues of the corresponding body organs. This means a bodily condition will translate to a noticeable change in the appearance of the iris.
This information may be used to demonstrate a patient's susceptibility towards certain illnesses, to reflect past medical problems, or to predict later consequences of health problems which may be developing.

The Iris - Window to our Health

The iris encompasses the totality of a human being.
It highlights the dynamics that create an individual's health picture, identifies what areas of the body lacks vitality to resist illness, and shows the emotional patterns that can create or maintain illness.
The iris is a micro-structure of the entire body. It is a blueprint that can tell us which portion of the body have enough energy to meet demands and which portion may need some assistance.
Different parts of the body are assigned a certain amount of energy, and the amount of energy can be evaluated via the iris.

Advantages of Iridology

Through iridology, we can pinpoint inflammation of an organ, the metabolic rate, whether the organ is underactive or overactive, a degree of toxicity, a degree of ill health, lowered health activity, chemical imbalance, and whether there is a vital flow of nerve force.
This is an advantage compared to modern medicine where you have to get sick before you get yourself checked and examined.
The most important benefit is the first-hand knowledge of understanding your body, before the disease state occurs, thus you have an empowering road map towards optimal health and well-being.

How Is a Diagnosis Made?

Using just a pen-light, the iris colour can be observed and examined together with details of your iris structure and pigmentation. Iridology is a tool for analysis, not for diagnosis.
Iris analysis takes about ten to 30 minutes depending upon each individual and how clients interact with the iridologist.
Iris pattern will change - to the better or to the worst, depending on whether they act according to the advise given after the analysis; three months later, if clients change their lifestyle and correct their diet as advised.

Iris Chart

Like our faces or fingerprints, no two irises are exactly alike, and neither are our bodies.
Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into zones corresponding to specific parts of the human body.
Typical charts divide the iris into approximately 80-90 zones. The markings and patterns are compared to an iris chart that correlates zones of the iris with parts of the body to distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body, and those which are overactive, inflamed, or distressed.
Once a complete analysis is made, and the underlying imbalances are identified, then remedial therapies can be made with diet, food, vitamins and herbal medicine.

"Time Risk" Iridology

When using iridology, we never think of the name of the disease, but it is a matter of understanding what is going on within your body - what is wrong, what is not right, mineral deficiency, chemical deposits, stress, and so on.
To be healthy today is a matter of how early and how much you understand your body, how to prevent from getting sick, and not just wait to be sick.
There are many health answers iridology can reveal. With "Time Risk" iridology, the condition of potential danger to health, subsequent to the occurrence of measurable disturbances and /or transitions in the economy of the biological functions.
In other words, we can signify a certain period in the life of an individual, when it is possible that a physical or psychological event will cause an alteration to the biological function, so as to stimulate a predisposing pathology.

How did you discover Iridology?

My degree as a bio-chemist during my younger days helped me discover more about other sciences. In May 1985, I learnt Iridology under Dr. Bernard Jensen from United States, who popularised this science, and caused the word to spread.
From there on, iridology has became a proven art.
Due to its popularity, streams of people came for consultation, and I was asked to give consultation as well as to teach and share this popular knowledge since 1987.
I thank Dr. Jensen for allowing me to further promote this knowledge through Physiology and Herbal Medicine.
Iridology is just a tool - I have to find something to work with, and that's herbal medicine. I took up a course through Oriental Medical Institute of Hawaii through my mentor Dr. David Zhu and now I have a network of clients all over Malaysia.
Through Health Tourism, I have clients from the Middle East and some parts of the world. I've been giving numerous talks on health, herbal medicine, iridology and "chi kung".
Over the years of experience, receiving feedback from clients, participating in seminars/conventions worldwide and the willingness to learn and to do research, has further motivated me to pursue this science.

My Life Mission

In my 23 years of practice I came across serious cases, where I know something bad was going to happen, but it takes time to prove.  People come back to see me many years later when they were proven diseased, and most were terminally ill; or where healthy people suddenly passed away.
It's a big responsibility not to scare the client or feed their minds with false anticipation of possible pending disease. This can create new problems.
With this knowledge, I want to reach out to as many people as possible, and to serve the community where health is concerned.
A lot of people out there still don't know what is iridology. I wish more people will help to spread the word around.

Father of Modern Iridology

Most of the natural medicine was stymied in the United States by a changing political and economic climate during World War II.
For 50 years, Dr. Bernard Jensen held the light for iridology in America very much on his own. Researched and studies were validated with laboratory tests, x-rays and autopsy assessment analysis.
Dr.Jensen was then known as the "Father" of Modern Iridology.
With the establishment of International Iridology Practitioner's Association (IIPA) in 1982, a group of professional certified iridologists further researched this unique medical science to improve the iridology chart.
The latest chart is more accurate, revealing details of inherited strengths, weaknesses and degeneration.

Many Versions of Iridology

Iridology is a subject with versions aplenty. With historical background originating from Europe; there were also records from Central Asia dating back thousands of years.
For example, runes were found with the iris inscribed.
In 1000 B.C., Chaldeans knew how to read disease from the eye.
Several thousand years ago, Chinese and Japanese doctors knew how to recognise diseases of the organs by looking at the whole eye, including the eyelids, whites of the eye (sclera), pupils and iris.
The best way to learn about iridology is to take up a Certified Iridologist Course with a complete programme that includes anatomy, physiology, and case studies.

The Secret to a Long, Healthy Life

There's no secret to healthy aging. Just do workouts and not be lazy.
The most immediate action is exercise. 45 minutes per session and four sessions in a week the rest of your life.
Proper food content, correct timing for meals, crude, dietary fibres, adequate water consumption, good rest and sleep early, plus limiting the stress on the body.

Iridologist Practitioners in Malaysia

In Malaysia, there are more than 1500 iridology practitioners. It's impossible for one to become expert overnight. It needs time, trial and error, plus experience to perfect this art. Of course, there are several out there trained just one or two days and already consider themselves iridologists.
We want to gather all practitioners, upgrade them if possible, and eventually train all to be qualified professional iridologist.
It is a profession where we have to safeguard the image and integrity of this practice.
The Association will represent them with reference to the Ministry of Health.
All iridologists are welcomed to attend and prepare to join as members.

You may contact:
Secretary Mr. Tan Gim Joo: 012-3172235; and Asst Secretary Elaine: 016-3303199

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Full Transcript of interview with Dr. Goh

1. What is the science of iridology.  Is it an Asian or western science? Who discovered it and when? 

The science of iridology is the study of the iris, or colored part of the eye which is one of the most complicated tissue structures of the whole body.  Its overall appearance, the specific fiber arrangement and the pigment details when properly analysed can reveal an incredible amount of information about you in a non-invasive manner.
It is originated in Europe and the birth of Iridology is year 1861. The discoverer or the true originator of iridology was Dr. Ignatz von Peczely (1826-1911), a Hungarian physician; whom we termed him as "Father" of Iridology.

2.  Who popularised it in modern times and what are the latest findings? (comment about the latest eye chart)

Most of the natural medicine was stymied in the United States by a changing political and economic climate during the time Dr. Bernard Jensen was practicing iridology. World War II effectively stopped communication between European and American iridology. For fifty years, Dr. Jensen held the light for iridology in America very much on his own. Researched and studies were validated with laboratory tests, x-rays and autopsy assessment analysis. Dr. Jensen was then known as the "Father" to Modern Iridology.
With the establishment of International Iridology Practitioner's Association (IIPA); year 1982, a group of professional certified iridologists further researched this unique medical science to improve the iridology chart so as to cater practitioners with accuracy and to promote excellence in international iridology standards. The latest chart reveals more details and more complete especially inherited strengths, weaknesses and degeneration.

3.  Many versions of iridology are found all over the world. Are they all similar? Do they originate from the same source? What is the best way to learn about iridology?

Iridology is one - versions aplenty. Historical background originated from Europe.
Ancient Times - In Central Asia, dating back thousands of years, runes were found with the iris inscribed.  In 1000 B.C., Chaldeans knew how to read disease from the eye.  Several thousand years ago, Chinese and Japanese doctors knew how to recognize diseases of the organs by looking at the whole apparatus of the eye, including the eyelids, whites of the eye (sclera), pupils and iris.
Early Times - European Founders
* Ignatz von Peczely, Medical Doctor, 1826, Budapest, Hungary
* Reverand Nils Liljequist, Sweden, 1800s
* Pastor Felke, Sweden, Born 1856
Contemporary Times - European Founders
* Josef Deck, Germany
* Theodore Kriege, Germany
* Rudolph Schnabel, Germany
* Josef Angerer, Germany
* Dorothy Hall, Australia
American Founders
* Edward Lane, and Australian medical doctor, introduced iridology to the United States.
* Henry Lindlahr, spread iridology through the publications Nature Cure Magazine and the book Irisdiagnosis and Other Diagnostic Methods.
* Dr. J. Kritzer wrote the textbook, The Book of Iris Diagnosis.
* Dr. Bernard Jensen, a chiropractic physician since 1929, has given over 50 years of dedicated service, fathering iridology in America.
* Harri Wolf and Dr. Bill Caradonna, in 1982, built the bridge between European and American iridology and founded the National Iridology Research Association (NRA) to standardize and certify the practice of iridology in the U.S.
The best way to learn about iridology is to take up a Certified Iridologist Course with a complete significant educational program that includes anatomy, physiology, classroom hours, case studies, and has passed a supervised certification examination.

4. What are the advantages of iridology as a health screening method compared to modern medicine? Is it much more accurate? What other benefits does this knowledge bring?
When using iridology, we never think of a disease name.  As a nutritional art we pinpoint inflammation of an organ, the metabolic rate, whether the organ is underactive or overactive.  We find that if it is in a hyper or hypo condition, we have material in the toxic areas and extreme acids produced in the hyperactive organ that we are investigating, so that we do not attach a disease name to what we find in the Iridology analysis. A black coloration is indicative of a hypo condition, a toxic settlement, a degree of toxicity; a degree of ill health, lowered health activity, a lack of the highest health level possible, a lack of the proper chemical balance; and above all, indications that the vital flow of nerve force from the brain through the spinal column is not reaching that particular organ. These are the advantages where compared to modern medicine you have to get sick before you go and get yourself checked and examine.
It is not a matter of accuracy, but a matter of understanding deep within your body; what is wrong, what is not right, mineral deficiency, chemical deposits, stress, and so on. To be healthy today is a matter of how early and how much you understand your body, how to prevent to get sick and not just wait to be sick.
Practically, the most important benefit is the first-hand knowledge of understanding your body before the diseased state occurred. Can you imagine knowing what your inherited strengths and weaknesses are, what chronic disease might be more likely to impact your health, and how your emotional nature can influence this?  By understanding it, you have an empowering road map towards optimal health and well-being.

5.  Please give examples of how a diagnosis is made and what the answers can reveal. How long does it take to make a reading and do the Iris pattern change over time?
Using just a pen-light, the iris color can be observed and examine together with the details of your iris structure and pigmentation.  Iridology is a tool for analysis, not for diagnosis. Like our faces or fingerprints, no two irises are exactly alike, and neither are our bodies. Each of us has different strengths and weaknesses, health risks, and personality.  Our bodies reflect these inherited traits in many ways.  The iris is a unique key that unlocks a door to this information.  The trained iridologists interprets your iris patterns and shares this valuable information so you can truly understand yourself and what is needed for your improved health and long-term wellness.
The iris reveals the characteristics of the body tissue, the presence of acids, catarrh and anemia.  The condition of the autonomic and central (brain and spine) nervous systems in relationship to the organs may be determined.  Iris analysis also reveals the hyper (overactive) or hypo (underactive) functioning of the endocrine glandular systems.  In short, this science can show the pathological, structural, functional and emotional disturbances in the human body.
Iris analysis takes about ten to thirty minutes depending upon each individual and how clients interact with the iridologist.
Iris pattern will change - to the better or to the worst depending upon whether they act according to advise given after the analysis.  Three months later if clients change their lifestyle and correct their diet as advised, you'll see the chronic lesions in the iris reversing to sub-acute, acute and back to normal. This is where iridologists are trained to detect from the iris when clients come back to them three months later to see the result.

6. What other health answers can iridology reveal and why is it accurate? Once you get the answers, then what?
There are many health answers iridology can reveal. From physical iridology we can understand the physical and emotional condition that possibly could lead to a disease. Be aware of your own reactions to what you see in the irisI Your emotional impact of what you see can be overtly or subtly expressed and can alarm the person. If the person didn't have a problem previously, he certainly will now.
With "Time Risk" iridology, we mean the condition of potential danger to health, subsequent to the occurrence of measurable disturbances and /or transitions in the economy of the biological functions. In other words, we use this term to signify a certain period in the life of an individual, when it was possible that a physical or psychological event caused an alteration of the biological function, so as to stimulate a predisposing pathology.
The iris encompasses the totality of a human being.  It highlights the dynamics that created an individual's health picture, identifies what areas of the body lack vitality to resist illness and shows the emotional patterns that can create or maintain illness.  The iris is a micro-structure of the entire body.  It is a blueprint that can tell us which portions of the body have enough energy to meet demands and which portions may need some assistance.  Different parts of the body are assigned a certain amount of energy and the amount of energy can be evaluated via the iris. 
Each of us is equipped with a miniature recording screen that can gauge the status of our health - the iris. Impressions from all over the body are conveyed to the iris via the direct connection of the surface layers of the iris with the sympathetic nervous system's cervical ganglion (nerve tissue composed primarily of nerve cell bodies lying outside the spinal cord in the neck region). This connection is called the neuro-optic reflex.  Neuro pertains to a nerve or nervous tissue.  Optic pertains to the eyes or sight.  Reflex is an involuntary response to a stimulus. Reflexes depend upon an intact neural pathway between points of stimulation and the responding organ. This gives us an understanding of why it can be accurate. Of course practical experience and research is the most important concern.
Once a complete analysis is made by a practitioner and already identifying the underlying imbalances in the body that produce symptoms, it is an invaluable asset in the formulation of remedial therapies. Diet, food, vitamins and herbal medicine will then fall into this category.

7. Please tell us the background about yourself, how long have you been practising this science and what makes you an expert in this area?
My degree as a bio-chemist during my younger days push me into wanting to know more about other sciences. Honestly when I was first introduced into this art or science, I don't quite believe it. This doubt triggers off and eventually forced me to venture into iridology. Anything I don't agree or believe, I'll take up the challenge to prove and not to criticize. True enough it took me more than one and a half years to master this art not only theoretically, but practically. That was May 1985, through my beloved teacher the late Dr. Bernard Jensen. Words spread and streams of people keep coming for consultation. From then you know this is a proven art and you have to prepare yourself with the flow of people seeking your help. I got stuck not only doing iridology consultation, but was asked to teach and share this very popular science since 1987. I should thank Dr. Jensen for duplicating me and with full faith I linked Iridology, Human Physiology and Herbal Medicine. Iridology is just a tool - you need something to work with and that's herbal medicine. I took up the course through Oriental Medical Institute of Hawaii and my mentor is Dr. David Zhu. I have a network of clients all over Malaysia. Through Health Tourism, I have clients from the Middle East and some parts of the world. I've been giving numerous talks on Health, Herbal Medicine, Iridology and "Chi Kung". Over the years of experience, the feedbacks from clients, participating seminars/conventions worldwide and the willingness to learn and research further motivated me to pursue this science. Eventhough I'm already practising more than 23 years, I consider myself still learning and to catch up with Dr. Jensen's 50 years to be expert in this field.

8. Why are you passionate about iridology and how do you intend to spread the message?
In my 23 years of practice I came across:
  • people coming back to you 5, 7, 10, or 12 years later. Why? The time when they are proven diseased and most of them are terminally ill by then. You are talking about thousands and not a few.
  • healthy people suddenly passed away. Family members start to relate the story back to you because they don't believe they got problems in their body where you told them. I always tell people in iridology reading, we can pick up weaknesses and not sickness; dis ease and not disease. Don't take for granted if you don't have any symptom means you are free from disease. Can eat, can work and can sleep without accompanying pain or symptom not necessarily meant you are well and healthy. Deep inside in secrecy, weaknesses will further develop into disease if given the opportunity. This is dictated through our iris when informations are sent via our nervous system where they are linked to all our organs.
  • many ocassions I've seen serious cases. I know something bad is going to happen, but takes time to prove. What can you do? I wanted to help but you can't tell them what you saw that is death threatening. It's a big responsibility not to scare the client or feed their mind with false anticipation of possible pending disease.  This can create new problems. Fear never gets anyone well.
I think the top three is passionate enough?
I really don't know how to spread the message. This is the headache I'm having all these years. I wanted to reach to as many people as possible and to serve the community when health is concerned. A lot of people out there still don't know what is iridology. I wish and hope the medias, whether videos or print, and people who went through iridology consultation will help to spread the words round.

9.  What are your qualifications?
Bachelor of Science (Bio-Chemistry);
Advance Diploma (Herbology);
Master of Science (Herbal Medicine);
Doctor of Philosophy (Iridology)

10. Is the science of iridology readily accepted in Western countries and universities, and what is your role in propagating this knowledge overseas?
There are doctors in Western countries practising iridology. It is a medical tool and not a therapy, so this science are widely accepted in western countries than in asia. There are medical students from oversea universities coming for three weeks to two months attachment in iridology with me.  I've to vet their credentials and sign an introductory letter of attachment to their university for credits. Although it is not yet a compulsory subject in the university, a lot of students pick this as a project to their major.
The International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA) is the sole body representing iridologists worldwide. This association is doing a lot of research and is responsible to promote iridology globally. I am the IIPA Certified Iridologist in Malaysia and my role is to help anybody from doing iridology consultation to teaching this science. I've students from Kuwait, Iran, Turkey, Singapore, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. Every year, IIPA organized a convention in US and participants came from all parts of the world.

11. There are many so-called experts out there. How do you tell a genuine one from a fake one? What damages can be done if a wrong advise is given?
Yes, in Malaysia alone we have at least more than one thousand five hundred practitioners. Well, I dare not called them "experts" and they must be disciplined enough to know where they stand.
Unless one is trained and being taught by a recognized institution, sit for an examination and must pass at least Level II or Master Iridologist to practice. Owning a recognized certificate is considered genuine whereas without a certificate is disallowed or not qualified to practice.
Firstly, a practitioner must have basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology before being capable to give advice. If properly trained to already understand human sciences, then this should not happen. In case given wrong advise where medical drug is not concerned, damage is still minimal or not at all. Iridology is a tool and it's non invasive.

12. What are the tools needed to ensure an accurate reading? What are the disciplines required to master this science, and how long? Can one become an expert overnight?
Using magnification, the iris can be observed with a hand held magnifying unit or by using a slit-lamp - an ophthalmologic instrument that stabilizes your chin and forehead while the iridologist looks through a microscope.  Using iris imaging, pictures can be taken with film cameras onto slides or print film, or by digital photography displayed on a computer screen. The simplest method is using a pen-light to peer into the iris fibres. Experience and how much you understand this science ensure accuracy, not the tools you used.
Iridology does not have fixed or required educational standards or consistent guidelines. Therefore many levels of education and qualifications exist in the field. IIPA has worked diligently to create a high quality iridology program and set meaningful certification standards.  Your IIPA Certified Iridologist has completed a significant educational program that includes anatomy and physiology, classroom hours, case studies, and has passed a supervised certification examination. The professional course that I'm conducting will take one year; must pass practical examination with coursework and 100 Credit Hours.
It's impossible for one to become expert overnight. It needs time, trial and error, plus experience to perfect this art. Of course, there are several out there trained just one or two days and already considered themselves iridologists.

13. Tell us about your medical centre in Cheras and what services do you provide. What are the best alternative medicine available?
I've been operating the centre in Cheras for the past twenty over years. I do travel to other states of Malaysia for iridology consultation. Iridology is the tool I used for practice in my service centre.
I twined Iridology with Herbal Medicine. After gathering the information through the analysis, we'll recommend herbs as the complementary medicine.

14.  What is your secret to good, long, healthy life? 
There's no secret to healthy aging. Just do workouts and not be lazy.
The most immediate action is exercise. 45 minutes per session and four sessions in a week the rest of your life. Proper food content, correct timing for meals, crude, dietary fibres, adequate water consumption, good rest and sleep early, plus limiting the stress on the body.

15. How can you be contacted, and how can one learn more about iridology in Malaysia?
Mobile: 019-3337203         Winnie: 016-2620133
              55100 KUALA LUMPUR.
Through the above contacts, you'll be furnished with more informations about iridology. I've been teaching and practising Iridology for more than twenty years in Malaysia. You want basic; Level I, Level II, Level III, or professional courses, feel free to contact the above.

NST Q&A Article on March 13, 2010

NST Article on March 13, 2010